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Post Parties

Early on Upstairs
It was a lively event, things were jovial, and a good time was had by all.

Fathers of the Bride and Groom

Joyce and Shirley, the Mothers of the Bride and Groom.

Lara, Lynn's little Sorority Sister

Dr. and Mr. Davis (Senior)

Molly and Jim

Lynn and her bewildered brother

Hank, Kathy, and Michael Heuerman (the Bentley's next door neighbors in the 80's), Mr. Davis, Jan (Scott and Lynn's current neighbor), and Lynn

Stacie (Lynn's big Sorority Sister), George, and Kristen (Lynn's longest friend)

Lynn and Theresa

Later on Downstairs
Things heated up as the stronger enduranced (read: younger) members of the party decended to room 101...  You must be 18 years or older to continue past this point.  Age verification required.  By clicking below you agree that:

1)  I am not offended by anything

2)  I do not consider myself to have high moral values

3)  I want to see people getting rowdy, sticking apples in their shirts to make fake breasts, and simulate sexual copulation while revelling in a drunken melee of debauchery.

4)  I won't give anyone a hard time for the contents therin.  After all, I asked to see it and I was warned.

I HEREBY STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS TRUE, I AM A TASTELESS CREATIN AND WANT THIS STUFF IN MY COMPUTER.  Show me the racy pictures!  Otherwise click somewhere else and let us have our fun.

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